domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

Moving On Theatre: a play about BREXIT

BREXIT PLAY by Olivia Singh 1ºA ESO

The play is about Brexit, result of a referendum that took place in Britain two years ago, where people voted to stay or leave the EU. Sadly, 52% of the voters said Yes and 48% said No. The benefits of being part of the EU club is that you can have trade agreements and fre movement of people and goods among the states.
The play tells us a sory about two people and how this event affects them. It also brings real life cases to light were people suffer from this decision, such as sacrificing the freedom of movement like going in or out of the UK. People have to spend hard earned money, time and effort in order to get the permission and British passport to stay in Britain.
The play finished with a happy ending, however the truth is yet to be seen.

1 comentario:

  1. It was fantastik. I really like it. I hop we have more plays like this.
