lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

End of first term

Snowflake Workshop and letter to Santa

Our Canadian assisstant Veronica taught us how to make snowflakes. She also sent our letters to Santa and promised we would get a reply.

End of first term

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2018

Etwinning project 1ºESO

Comenzamos el eTwinning project Lo que nos hace felices con institutos de Barletta (Italia), Ligatne (Letonia) y Romilly-sur-Seine (Francia)

martes, 26 de junio de 2018

Emily, our American assistant teacher


Written by 4ºB students in cooperative writing

Our assistant teacher Emily is leaving us next June after teaching at our school for
two school years. We made her an interview and this is what we’ve found out about
The first thing we asked her was when and where she was born. She answered that she was born on September 7, 1987. She also told us that she had 8 siblings; 1 human sibling( a sister) and a lot of dogs and cats. She was born in Seattle, Washington. She told us that she had studied Elementary school in Seattle, too. Also, she studied High school there. Her favourite subjects during secondary education were English, History and Art. As we do, they don’t study grammar in English, only literature and how to analyze it. She went to school seven hours a day, which were six periods. However, during senior year she had to stay longer because of the art classes she had. She graduated with excellent grades. As a matter of fact, her parents offered her some treats if she got lower marks because she spent most of her time studying. Then she went to university in Texas, where she studied medieval art. She has been in Palencia for two years working as an assistant teacher at our school.
It has been great to have Emily teaching us. With her, we have learned that English
is a live language that we use to communicate, instead of a series of grammar
rules that - on the other hand - not many people apply in real life. We have also had
communicative sessions in which we spoke English and had fun.

We wish her all the best in her new life back in Texas. Thank you Emily!

domingo, 8 de abril de 2018

The Three R's

Vídeo realizado por 4ºB para el FESTIVAL ARTÍSTICO DE LA CIENCIA.

And the winners are...

miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018



Written by 3ºA students in cooperative writing

On Thursday, February 22 2018 the Bilingual groups of 3ºESO went on a trip to Valladolid with our Science teacher Ignacio de Blas to visit the Science Museum.
There were several remarkable exhibitions there.
Off we go!

The first thing we saw was a video about food in the different periods of history. There was a puzzle which showed the percentage of water in some foods and in the human body. You could also smell different foods and try to guess what each one was. Besides, there were some computers showing the typical dishes of some countries, as well as information about the calories and nutrients in each food. Playing with interactive games, we also learnt about the food pyramid and the diseases we can get if we don’t have a proper diet.

In 1928 Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. This archaeologist found the pharaoh’s personal objects by digging a hole in the wall of the burial chamber.

 THE PLANETARIUM: Energy for Life

In the Planetarium, we saw an audiovisual presentation in English about renewable and non-renewable energies and the impact they cause. The resources have evolved from the fire mainly used in pre-history to fossil fuels and coal used nowadays. These resources can cause a severe harm in the environment, producing global warming and the greenhouse effect. Therefore, we need to find new renewable energies such as wind power.