lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Parsippany Students Exchange - Weekend in Washington

Last weekend in Washington DC was really awesome.

We set off at 6.00 am (!!)and got to Washington DC at about 11.00.
Once there, we visited Arlington Cemetery, United States soldiers' national cemetery. It was impressive to see all the graves lined up all over the fields. 

  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Our hotel was next to the Pentagon and we could have a good overview of the five-side building as we drove along. 
First thing next morning we went to visit all the important landmarks in Washington, conveniently situated along The Mall - the long avenue in downtown Washington where all the museums and memorials are. 

We visited The Capitol and the Library of Congress and had lunch at Union Station.

        Walking along The Mall

In the afternoon we visited two Smithsonian Museums: The Indian Americans and The Air and Space Museum. The African American Museum was being officially opened on that day by president Obama.
Believe it or not, this is Apollo 11, the first spacecraft to land on the Moon!!
Our driver Benny took us for a night tour

On Sunday morning we finished our walk along The Mall and ended up at Lincoln Memorial.

                 Washington Monument seen from Lincoln Memorial

 On the way back to Parsippany, we stopped for lunch in Baltimore, a seaport city in Maryland, with a superb inner harbour full of old ships.

Now we are back at school, ready to start our second week in Parsippany.

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