jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Happy 2016


Christmas holidays are over.
Why don't we start by doing some New Year's Resolutions for the upcoming English lessons?

4 comentarios:

  1. my new years resolutions are approve all subjects with good marks and
    be a better person

  2. My new year's resolutions are to get better marks on the high school, to be behave on class, to win all the matches with my basketball team and to do many trips around the world.
    Pd:I'm Álvaro from 2ºB

    1. Well done Alvaro! I especially like the one about behaving in class hahaha. I hope you get what you want:)

  3. My new year´s resolutions are to aprove all the subjecta and also geography and hystory. I want to travel a lot and I like to behave in class .
